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文档介绍:A Trusted Provider for Environmental Solutions提供提供提供提供安全可靠的安全可靠的安全可靠的安全可靠的环境环境环境环境问题问题问题问题解决方案解决方案解决方案解决方案 Striving to make a difference to our only earthBuilding on a 15Building on a 15Building on a 15Building on a 15----Year FoundationYear FoundationYear FoundationYear Foundation of Sustainabilityof Sustainabilityof Sustainabilityof Sustainability 永续积淀十五载永续积淀十五载永续积淀十五载永续积淀十五载More than 15 years ago, TRITECH? was created to provide sustainable solution to our clients, and we’ve been building on that foundation ever since. We have added to our understanding of how people and the environment interact, and we have broadened our services to meet the needs of our expanding client base. However, throughout our decade’s years of growth, one thing has remained the same: TRITECH’s mitment to our client and the environment. 成立15年来,三泰一直致力于为客户提供安全可靠且经济有效的整合方案,为全球客户解决复杂的环境整治难题。我们用心理解人与环境,并将这一理念运用到对客户对自身发展需求的满足,伴随客户一同成长。经过数十年的成长,三泰一直坚定不移的坚守着对客户和环境的承诺。TRITECH? strive to build long-lasting relationships with our customers and to align our vision of ess with our clients’ vision. We seek the best solutions for the project at hand, blending innovative approaches with proven technologies. And we know that it’s essential to have the right people, doing what they do best, assembled into strong teams, regardless of where they are on the globe. 三泰不断寻求建立与客户间长期稳定的合作关系,并始终与客户的价值观保持高度一致。我们运用最顶尖的项目解决方案,整合三泰最先进可靠的整治技术,配置三泰全球范围经验丰富的专业团队,为客户提供最成功的环境整治方案。Together, our teams solve our customers’ toughest challenges-and help make the world a better place. Our dedication to our clients, our employees, munities, and the environment, coupled with our history of strong performance, make TRITECH? the Trusted Provider for Environmental Solutions. 我们一直矢志不渝地为客户解决各种环境难题并努力让世界变得更美。我们竭诚为我们的客户提供世界级的环境解决方案。As the Trusted provider of Environmental Solutions, TRITECH’s foundation is made up of three ele