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文档介绍:On the Road to the Naissance On the Road to the Naissance of a Good Technical Papersof a Good Technical Papers(in CS & EEE)(in CS & EEE)Shujun LiInstitute of Image Processing, Xi’anJiaotong University, ChinaMarch, 2002March, 2002Shujun Li, IPC-xjtu20. Questions in Naissance of a Technical Paper?Select one research area?Read related textbooks and review papers –How to Find Them and Get Fulltexts??Focus interests on some specific topics?Re-read review papers and search more review and original papers to read –How to Find Them and Get Fulltexts? How to Estimate the Significance of the found Papers??Develop your own ideas, theoretically prove them (if necessary) and test them by enough experiments?Write manuscripts with some word processor –How to Write puscripts?March, 2002Shujun Li, IPC-xjtu3Questions in Naissance of a Technical Paper?Submit manuscripts to international conferences or journals –How to Seek Instructions for Authors and Call-for-Papers? How to Avoid Ethical Problems??Papers are accepted or rejected –How to Understand Review Procedure and Returned Results??(Maybe) Re-submit rejected (or accepted?) papers for further publications –How to Avoid Ethical Problems??Papers are published –How to Estimate the Significance of Your Published Papers??Continue to research, write sequent papers and submit them for publication – How to Avoid Ethical Problems? (How to Re-Use Your Own Words?)March, 2002Shujun Li, IPC-xjtu4?Content with “How to”?How toKnow Technical Papers??How toGet Fulltext of Technical Papers??How toSeek Instructions for Authors of Journals and Call-for-Paper Notices??How toEstimate Journals & Technical Papers??How toWrite Well-Written and Well-puscripts in English/Chinese??How toAvoid Ethical Problems in Research??How toUnderstand Review Procedure and Returned Results?March, 2002Shujun Li, IPC-xjtu51. How to Know Technical Papers??Well-known indexing products, such as EI–Engineering Index, SCIE–Science Citation Index (SCI) Expanded, etc.?The search


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