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有关老人摔倒旳英语作文 有关老人摔倒旳英语作文篇一 At a glance,this seems to be a simple question that有关老人摔倒旳英语作文老人摔倒英语作文

有关老人摔倒旳英语作文 有关老人摔倒旳英语作文篇一 At a glance,this seems to be a simple question that requires only a "yes" or "no" ,due to various incidents that have occurred recently,this issue has now become a topic worth contemplating about. Imagine if your very own grandfather or grandmother you hesitate before helping them upWould you consider,even just for a second,that they could be faking all this,just to get some money out of youWell,the answer is obviously why then,do we stop and think before helping old people up when they fall overThey are,after-all,somebody"s grandfather or grandmother. Maybe you are worried that they will accuse you of pushing them over and then make you give them really,we can"t blame them for they could lead a sufficient life on their own,these meager citizens would not stoop so low as to blackmail others. Instead of debating over whether or not we should help old people up when they fall over,we should cure the problem at its root,in the heart of society. 有关老人摔倒旳英语作文篇二 I think the right thing to do is help the elderly shouldn’t even pause to think before we we were small,we have been brought up to be respectful to our elders,and to treat others how we would treat people are hurt,we should help them im


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