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2022年网上购物作文英语 相关网上购物英文小作文.docx

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2022年网上购物作文英语 相关网上购物英文小作文.docx

上传人:书犹药也 2022/3/18 文件大小:13 KB


2022年网上购物作文英语 相关网上购物英文小作文.docx



有关网上购物英文小作文 有关网上购物英文小作文篇一 Nowadays with the ever rapid development and incirst time online shopping experience impressed me the most profound. I decided to buy a pair of shoes in the "taobao", I opened the "taobao" andsearch the shoes, one with a total of more than one hundred pages, I from the first page browsing, there are a lot of colorful, thousands of varieties of tennis shoes, have black, red, blue... I was so absorbed in looking for pink and black and white, and the tall canister boots. Slowly in the tens of thousands of pairs of shoes, however, to find and time-consuming, and laborious, and demanding! I return to the top of the page, the color of "default" changed to "pink and black". I turned over a few pages back, I found a pair of special shoes. I open the web page. These shoes are pink and black, patent leather reflex the light, polished, like the wax, shiny! I looked at the details of this pair of shoes, just have the right shoe size. Sellers in Beijing and I chat chat, the aunt said is promotion, can offer a sixty percent discount. I immediately took this pair of shoes, because this is my first time shopping, not familiar with the process I was careless to wire the money directly into the hands of the seller. This, my heart is burning, however, thought: "if she doesn"t delivery to me That I don"t was swept away by the