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上传人:wz_198613 2022/3/19 文件大小:281 KB





文档介绍:Journal of the first message
Many wild animals are facing
the danger of extinction, because
the environment that th
Journal of the first message
Many wild animals are facing
the danger of extinction, because
the environment that they are
living in has changed greatly.
For example, with the
development of cities, the
using of insecticide and
serious pollution, their living
areas have become narrower and narrower.
Many of the wild animal, now are confronted
with food crisis. At the same time, man is
killing off species just for getting their fur,
skin, horns, teeth and meat. .
In order to protect
our resources of ecology, people
should realize that the loss of
any species is at least the loss
of source of

Where there is a will,
there is a way
First,help to set
the animals free from the
zoosand other public places for
entertainment while set up more
wildlife preserves for the wildlife animals.
Second ,call for others to stop hunting
for the wildlife animals.
Third, protect the habitats of the animals.
Fourth, laws must be made to push hunting wildlife without mercy.
Fifth, to protect wildlife is to protect ourselves.
Protect wildlife , let’s start from around small things ,
from the start


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