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2022年李白著名诗歌英文翻译 李白的诗歌.docx

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2022年李白著名诗歌英文翻译 李白的诗歌.docx

上传人:读书百遍 2022/3/19 文件大小:11 KB


2022年李白著名诗歌英文翻译 李白的诗歌.docx




李白出名诗歌英文翻译 李白出名诗歌英文翻译篇一 李白 赠孟浩然 吾爱孟夫子, 风流天下闻。
  红颜弃轩冕, 白首卧松云。
  醉月频中圣, 迷花不事君。

李白出名诗歌英文翻译 李白出名诗歌英文翻译篇一 李白 赠孟浩然 吾爱孟夫子, 风流天下闻。
  红颜弃轩冕, 白首卧松云。
  醉月频中圣, 迷花不事君。
  高山安可仰 徒此挹清芬。
  Five-character-regular-verse Li Bai A MESSAGE TO MENG HAORAN Master, I hail you from my heart, And your fame arisen to the skies.... Renouncing in ruddy youth the importance of hat and chariot, You chose pine-trees and clouds;
  and now, whitehaired, Drunk with the moon, a sage of dreams, Flower- bewitched, you are deaf to the Emperor.... High mountain, how I long to reach you, Breathing your sweetness even here! 李白出名诗歌英文翻译篇二 李白 渡荆门送别渡远荆门外, 来从楚国游。
  山随平野尽, 江入大荒流。
  月下飞天镜, 云生结海楼。
  仍怜家乡水, 万里送行舟。
  Five-character-regular-verse Li Bai BIDDING A FRIEND FAREWELL AT JINGMEN FERRY Sailing far off from Jingmen Ferry, Soon you will be with people in the south, Where the mountains end and the plains begin And the river winds through wilderness.... The moon is lifted like a mirror, Sea-clouds gleam like palaces, And the water has brought you a touch of home To draw your boat three hundred miles. 李白出名诗歌英文翻译篇三 李白 送友人 青山横北郭, 白水绕东城。
  此地一为别, 孤蓬万里征。
  浮云游子意, 落日故人情。
  挥手自兹去, 萧萧班马鸣。Five-character-regular-verse Li Bai A FAREWELL TO A FRIEND With a blue line of mountains north of the wall, And east of the city a white curve of water, Here