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上传人:业精于勤 2022/3/19 文件大小:14 KB






高中励志英语美文摘抄精选 对大学生进行励志教育是鼓励大学生自我鼓励,协助大学生实现自我 价值旳重要途径。而高校对大学生实行励志教育er had. One of my friends is a famous package designer for American industry. She was just given a promotion for which she competed with six well-qualified designers. Her past, like all of ours, had its good times and its bad times. One of the worst of the bad times was a period when she lost her husband and was left with two small children to support. She took a clerking job in a grocery store because her apartment was on the floor above it and between customers she could run up and keep an eye on the babies. It was a two-yearperiod of great despair, during which she was constantly on the verge of suicide. Yet the other day when she told me of her promotion to the top package design post, she exclaimed in astonishment, "And do you know that the single factor which swung it in my favor was I alone had over-the-counter experience with the customers who buy our packaged foods!" When people talk about the sweet uses of adversity, I think they unduly stress a grim and hopeless resignation, a conviction that, like unpleasant medicine, it is somehow "good for us." But I think it is much more than that. I know that the unhappy periods of our lives offer us concrete and useful plus values, chief among them a heightened understanding and compassion for others. We may n