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上传人:非学无以广才 2022/3/20 文件大小:13 KB





The interview The interview At BCG, “The hiring process is considered very warm and friendle norm for BCG. Says one manager “I dont do rainteasers. Finding out how many golf balls you can fit in a 747 doesnt give me a great read on a persons skills.“ Be advised, however, that BCG does provide brain teaser examples on the case prep section of its web site - so its wise to come prepared for the golf balls, just in case. In most instances, however, “Over a period of 30-40 minutes the interviewee needs to develop a proposed solution to the problem, by engaging in a dialogue with the interviewer. The case interview gives you a taste of what it would actually be a consultant at BCG and the kinds of work that we do.“ “Most people get a charge out of these - they like being able to solve problems,“ says a manager. BCG advises interviewees to “interact with the interviewer,“ noting that the case “should be a dialogue, not a monologue.“ Or as an insider puts it, “Be sensitive to when your interviewer is open to questions,“ which lets you “give the person the opportunity to appear knowledgeable.“And dont forget the other types of questions you might face - including the big one “Why consulting“ Beyond that, a management source says, “were looking for people who can make change happen, with a focus on getting things done.“ This means interviewers place a premiu