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上传人:wc69885 2022/3/20 文件大小:57 KB




____ ten minutes to decide whether I should reject the offer.
given give givied from
was angry ___ your work. He said that he ___ at all.
, didn’t satify , didn’t satisfy
, wasn’t satisfied , wasn’t satisfied
Babbage ___ to have invented the first telephone.
consedered considered
19.“Do you know the girl in red?”“She seems to ___ me at last month’s party. But I’m not sure.”
to introduced to
introduced to been introduced to
medicines and instruments ___ every day to extend life.
being developed
developing developed
pretended ___ me when I passed by.
to see seeing not see not seen
agreed ___ here but so far she hasn’t turned up yet.
met meet have met
would love ___ to the party last night but I had to work extra hours to finish a report.
go have gone gone
4.“The light in the office is still on.”“Oh, I forgot ____.”
it off it off
turn it off turned it off
Babbage is generally considered ___ the first computer.
invent have invented invented
know her very had seen her ___ up from child- hood.
growing grow
doesn’t have to be made ___. He always works hard.
patient was warned ___ oily food after the operation.
eat not to eat eating
reached the top of the hill and stopped ___ on a big rock by the side of the path.
have rested rest
late in the morning, Bob turned off the alarm.


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