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Introduction 3
A .Emily Br onte 3
Wuthering HeightsB .The Soci al Backgro und of 5
Wutheringxtrem ely unplea sant. And yet it pos sesses a g randeur of language and design , a sense of tremend ous pity a nd great I oss that s ets it apa rt from vi rtually ev ery other novel writ ten. Most critics co nsidered i t "coarse and disagr eeable" an cTamoral”. reveals us a worl d-shaking undying Io ve. As Am old Kettle , the Engl ish critic , said, "is an expr ession in the imagin ative term of art of the stres ses and te nsions and conflicts , personal and spiri tual, of n ineteenth-century ca pitalist s ociety/ T he charact ers ofWut hering Hei ghtsembod y the extr eme love o f the huma nity. The novel has been studi ed, analyz ed, dissec ted, and d iscussed f rom every imaginable critical perspectiv e, yet it remains un while the novel's symboli sm, themes , structur e, and Ian guage may all spark fertile ex ploration,the bulk of its pop ularity ma y rest on its unforg ettable ch a shatt ering pres entation o f the doom ed love af fair betwe en the fie rcely pass ionate Cat herine and Heathclif f, it rema ins one of the most haunting I ove storie s in all o f literatu re.
Emily Bronte
74 Market StreetThorntonYorkshire, EnglandBrusselsCharlotteEmil yBronte w as born on 30 July 1 818 atin , Bradfor d,.Virgi nia Woolf said, "Tha t Yorkshir e played a n importan t role in Bronte's I ife and ar t is indis putable. E xcept for several br ief absenc es, she ch ose to spe nd her rem aining yea rs at the Br onte lived an eccent ric, close ly guarded life. She livedwit h her olde r sister C harlotte,her b rot he r Branwell, her youn ger sister Anne and her parent s. Her mot her died a young age .Her fath er worked as a churc h rector,and her au nt, who ra ised the B ronte chil dren after their mot her died,was deeply religious . Emily Br onte did n ot takehe r aunt's C hristian f avor, the character of Joseph,


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