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W: You are goin does the man say about the first time he gave a speech of thanks?
Conversati on・2
W: Another cup of tea, Paul?
M: No, thanks. Well, whafs new, Laurie?
W: Nothing dramatic. But there is something you should know about, M: WhaVs that?
W: Well, our rivals are offering extended credit terms to some of the retailers in the area.
M: Oh Which rival is this We only have two.
W: Barratts Company.
M: Oh, them. Well, they are hardly a threat.
W: I know they are smaller than us, but we can't afford to ignore them.
M: Yes, you are right, Laurie. But I don't like extended credit. It ties up cash we could put to better use elsewhere. But, ril look into it on Mon day.
W: Yes. And there is something else.
M: Don't tell me! The letter from the tax revenue office?
W: Right. How did you know?
M: Tara told me. Whafs the problem?
W: Well. Tome got this letter late yesterday and then went frantic trying to find copies of last year's accounts. M: Did he find them?
W: No. And he was away before I could get hold of the letter,
M: How about a drive down to the office now
And we'll see if everyth!ng's all right. There^s another reason why I wanted a chat with you before Monday.
W: I thought as much. Well, go on. Surprise me.
M: How about selling that new motorcycle


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