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第 1 页 共 ogy risk management and control of commercial banks, it has been very , in order to be able to build a more secure financial platform, the first need to provide busine innovation level; secondly, to strengthen the risk management of information management, so that the level of risk management can be improved steadily; finally, the implementation of risk management and control, improve the security of commercial banks, so that the banking busine towards security and stability of the direction of paper begins with major departure from the current status quo, describes the background and significance of the topic, compare the direction and development status at home and abroad, Jiangxi GS Bank as an example,to describe the basic theory of GS Bank of information technology risk, characteristics and then, it analyzes the current situation of information technology risk management of domestic commercial banks, from the three angles of information technology production operation risk, safety comprehensive risk and risk management, and describes the problem of information technology risk analyzing and observing the examples of Jiangxi GS commercial bank information technology risk management, according


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