文档介绍:1 SHORT ANSWER set of instructions that puter will follow is called a _____________. Answer: program 2. The collection of programs used by puter is known as ______________. Answer: software 3. Computers that are interconnected are known asa _____________. Answer: network digit that can hold a zero ora one is known asa ___________. Answer: bit 5. List at least two input devices ____________ _________________. Answer: keyboard, mouse, network card, file 6. List at least two output devices ______________ _____________. Answer: screen, printer, file, network card variable that can hold a whole number is called a(n) ____________. Answer: integer 8. What punctuation signifies the end ofa C++ statement? _____________ Answer: A semicolon. mistake puter program is called a ______________. Answer: bug 10. A __________ is the program that translates a program written in C++ into machine language. Answer: compiler 11. Errors ina program can be classified into three types, list them Answer: Syntax, logic,run-time 12. What does the following statement in C++ print to the screen? cout << “ Hello students\n ”; Answer: Hello students. 13. A mistake that isa direct violation of the syntax rules will generate piler ________. Answer: error 14. If your piles and runs, but gives an incorrect output, this is known asa _________ error. Answer: logic 15. The part of puter that controls and executes programs is called the _______. Answer: CPU MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. Who was the programmer for Charles Babbage ’s analytical engine? a. Grace Hopper b. Ada Lovelace c. Lord Bryan d. Walter Savitch Answer: B 2 2. An algorithm is a. The inputs and outputs ofa program b. The part of puter that does the processing finite set of steps to solve a problem program Answer: C memory address is a. Where a variable is stored b. Where puter is located step in the program. d. Where the CPU is stored. Answer: A that is normally used by only one person ata time is called a