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2019-2020(1)五年级英语 期末试卷(黑白版)(1).doc

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2019-2020(1)五年级英语 期末试卷(黑白版)(1).doc

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2019-2020(1)五年级英语 期末试卷(黑白版)(1).doc



文档介绍:2019—2020学年度第一学期五年级英语期末测试(满分:100分 时间:60分钟)
学校____________ 班级__________ 姓名____________ 成绩_____________
A. Is this your pen?
B. Can I use your pen, Mary?
C. That’s great! Thank you!
D. May I use it after you finish?
E. What are you doing?
Mary: Hi, Tom!
Tom: I’m looking for my pen.
Mary: Oh, let me help you.
Tom: No, it’s not my pen. I’m afraid my pen is missing.
Mary: Sorry. But I need to finish my homework first.
Mary: No problem.
Tom: .
Mary: You are welcome.
第三部分 阅读理解 (50分)
A. from B. food C. science fiction D. the . E. the Spring Festival F. class
I have a new friend, Mike. He is __A__ Canada. He lives in China now.
But his brother works in . He often writes letters to him.
Mike likes Chinese very much, and he likes speaking Chinese.
He likes drawing and reading. He often reads .
He likes Chinese , such as jiaozi, zongzi and so on.
He will spend with his parents in China this year.
七、读下面三个短文,完成相关任务。(共 35 分)
My name is Hualing. I’m three years old. Mr Li takes care of me. Every morning I get up at six thirty. I go for a walk around the yard. Mr Li comes at seven thirty with my breakfast. I usually have some