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上传人:你的晚安吻 2022/3/23 文件大小:23 KB




elor of Arts Degree. Smoothly I have passed the TEM4, CET6 and CET4. On the Mandarin Level Test, I got the secondary-level. I can also use office software skillfully. I am a outgoing girl and I can get along with others. I like children and I work careful

with patience. During the university I worked as a English tutor for junior high school students, and I have a certain understanding of junior high school students English level. I know very well that the middle school was the formal foundation, so I make a teaching plan according to the characteristics of junior high school students with weak base specially. If I can have the honor to the interview, I will explain my lesson plans on the trial lecture. The teacher is a sacred occupation. In my school years, I have witnessed the dedication of teachers be conscientious and do ones best teaching spirit, significance and deeply appreciate as a "human soul engineer". And the more determined my dream to be a teacher. I was the student from this city, for the land I was born and raised I have deep feelings. Now I was graduated and I want to make a contribution for the education component of my hometown. Your school is my alma mater, I am very pleased to have the honor to do colleagues with many teac


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