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County continuation records has examined and approved the draft, spirit, belily complex, day-to-day the amount of data needed to gradually deal with large, commercial operation of more and more intermediate links, in the past relied mainly on artificial methods of management are clearly unable to adapt to the size of the supermarket continue to grow. Supermarket cash register system will be developed to improve the efficiency of the supermarket and the quality of goods to the sale and transfer of funds; mitigate all types of affairs of the labor intensity of the work, so that the staff of the supermarket to release more energy and time to serve customers ; improve the operation and management, plug the loopholes, to ensure that the economic benefits of customers and supermarkets. So that consumers pay less money, time, effort and risk, and better quality, innovation, more information and more convenient, fresh goods, consumers and supermarket operators to co-market winner.
In this paper, based on the background of system design, system design from the motives and objectives, the design process of the whole system needs to be done a comprehensive analysis of the functions of the system design and database design a set of possible interpretation, their a comprehensive ne
County continuation records has examined and approved the draft, spirit, believe, comprehensive Yearbook of zhuanglang already prepared draft, entered the phase of evaluation. Civil air defense work
County continuation records has examined and approved the draft, spirit, believe, comprehensive Yearbook of zhuanglang already prepared draft, entered the phase of evaluation. Civil air defense work6
County continuation records has examined and approved the draft, spirit, believe, comprehensive Yearbook of zhuanglang already prepared draft, entered the phase of evaluation. Civil air defense work
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