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Panda—the national treasure
Panda is one of the scarcest animals. People in the world like it very 用英语介绍熊猫PPT
Panda—the national treasure
Panda is one of the scarcest animals. People in the world like it very much. There used to be many pandas in china long ago.
As the balance of nature was destroyed and the weather was getting warmer and warmer, pandas became less.
But at present, the number of pandas is increasing year by year.
There are now so many pandas that some are being sent to other countries so that people there can enjoy them. Nowadays, the biggest nature park for panda in china is in sichuan.
There is a research centre for nature and wild life there. Scientists hope that one day they will have enough pandas to be set free and let them live in the wild again
Giant panda ancestors is the only panda, this is a kind of to bear to have evolved from carnivorous panda earliest.
In the 50-70 million years ago in the Pleistocene, late is the heyday of the giant panda. Molars of the giant panda is now developed, in addition to the five claws toe and a "thumb".
The "thumb" is actually a wrist specialized formation, scientific name is called "radial sesamoid", mainly from the role of holding bamboo
Animal are our friends, we should protect them, let them one can safely survive