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-—--—-莫旗尼尔基第二中学 刘莉莉
Unit 7 Topic 3 Welcome to our food festival(Section A)(精品文档请下载)
I。教学内容:仁爱英语八年级下册Unit7 Topicu tell me if people use chopsticks to eat in America? (精品文档请下载)
S3: …。
2。Talk about the food festival.
Step 2 Presentation
T: Boys and girls! Look at the picture。 It’s about the opening ceremony of the food festival。 Welcome to the food festival!(精品文档请下载)
1. Listen tocarefully and tell me what food you hear。(精品文档请下载)
S4: I heard many different kinds of delicious foods were for sale。(精品文档请下载)
S5: Such as fried rice, apple pies, Indian curries and so on。(精品文档请下载)
T: Look at the picture again. What can you see? How do people feel?(精品文档请下载)
S6:I can see many guests.
S7:I think they are excited.
T: Good! There is a boy and a girl in the center. Do you know what they say
? Please listen again and try to follow it. Then find out the new words and key sentences:(精品文档请下载)
kind-hearted satisfy ,使满意 guest n。客人,宾客
Ladies and gentlemen。
Welcome to Ren'ai International School!
The first Ren’ai International Food Festival is now open!
Thanks for coming.
We’ll try to satisfy all the guests。
Let’s wish them success!
Enjoy yourselves!
Step 3 Consolidation
1。Listen to 1 again and follow it.
2。Read 1 in roles. Boys act the boy in the centre. Girls act the girl in the center.(精品文档请下载)
in pairs。 And I'll ask some pairs to act it out.(精品文档请下载)
Step 4 Practice
S1: Welcome to the food festival! May I take your order?(精品文档请下载)
S2:Let me see. I’d like some dumplings。
S3: May I have the bill?

2。Teach the new words:
menu n。菜单 wine n。酒 bill beer soft drink n。(不含酒精)的清凉饮料
3.Listen and answer:
What food and drink would they like?
4. Listen and repeat。
5。 Practise the dialog in groups。
6. Act out the dialog 。( 三个人表演 ,三个小组表演,小品表演稳固对话内容)
7。 Ex


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