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上传人:读书百遍 2022/3/25 文件大小:17 KB






  The Boys’Ambitith the coil of rope in lust hand, because he was particularly conspicuous. But these were only daydreamsthey were too heavenly to be contemplated as real possibilities.
  By and by one of our boys went away. He was not heard of for a long time. At last he turned up as apprentice engineer or "striker" on a steamboat. This thing shook the bottom out of all my Sunday-school teachings. That boy had been notoriously worldly, and I just the reverse;yet he was exalted to this eminence, and I left in obscurity and misery.
  There was nothing generous about this fellow in his greatness. He would always manage to have a rusty bolt to scrub while his boat tarried at our town,and he would sit on the inside guard and scrub it, where we could all see him and envy him and loathe him. And whenever his boat was laid up he would come home and swell around the town in his blackest and greasiest clothes, so that nobody could help remembering that he was a steamboat man;and he used all sorts of steamboat technicalities in his talk, as if he were so used to them that he forgot common people could not understand them. Two or three of the boys had long been persons of consideration among us because they had been to St. Louis once and had a vague general knowledge of its wonders,but the day of their glory was over now. They lapsed into a humble silence, and learned to disappear when the ruthless "cub"-engineer approached. This fellow had money, too, and hair oil. If ever a youth was cordially admired


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