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上传人:小博士 2016/12/27 文件大小:53 KB





文档介绍:莫言诺贝尔文学奖致辞英文演讲稿以下这篇演讲稿是中国当代著名作家莫言 2012 年获得诺贝尔文学奖时在瑞典学院发表的领奖演讲《讲故事的人》(storyteller) ,莫言在这次演讲中追忆了自己的母亲,回顾了文学创作之路,并与听众分享了三个意味深长的故事,讲述了自己如何成为一个用笔来讲故事的人的过程。莫言表示,自己今后还要继续讲自己的故事。 Distinguished members of the Sy, Ladies and Gentlemen:Through the mediums of television and the , I imagine that everyone here has at least a nodding acquaintance i Toay have seen my y-year-old father, asy brothers, my sister, my y daughter, even my granddaughter, noonths old. But the person ost on my mind at this moment, my mother, is someone you other ove her grave farther a the village in order to make room for a proposed rail line. y earliest memory bottle to the public canteen for drinking y mother calling my childhood name, soI cray hiding place, prepared to receive a beating ora scolding. But Mother didn't hit me, didn't even scold me. She just rubbed my head and heaved a sigh. 我是我母亲最小的孩子。我记忆中最早的一件事,是提着家里唯一的一把热水壶去公共食堂打开水。因为饥饿无力,失手将热水瓶打碎,我吓得要命,钻进草垛,一天没敢出来。傍晚的时候我听到母亲呼唤我的乳名,我从草垛里钻出来,以为会受到打骂,但母亲没有打我也没有骂我,只是抚摸着我的头,口中发出长长的叹息。 My most painful memory involved going out in the collective's field an. But Mother, an, a hulk ofa man, that she fell to the ground. The an confiscated the an, noan, in the marketplace, Mother had to stop me from going up to avenge her. "Son," she said evenly, "the man e and this man are not the same person." 我记忆中最痛苦的一件事,就是跟着母亲去集体的地理拣麦穗,看守麦田的人来了,拣麦穗的人纷纷逃跑,我母亲是小脚,跑不快,被捉住,那个身材高大的看守人煽了她一个耳光,她摇晃着身体跌倒在地,看守人没收了我们拣到的麦穗,吹着口哨扬长而去。我母亲嘴角流血,坐在地上,脸上那种绝望的神情深我终生难忘。多年之后,当那个看守麦田的人成为一个白发苍苍的老人,在集市上与我相逢,我冲上去想找他报仇,母亲拉住了我,平静的对我说:儿子,那个打我的人,与这个老人,并不是一个人。 My clearest memory is ofa Moon Festival day, at noontime, one of those rare occasions e, one boe to our door a an old man," he said. "You people are eating jiaozi, but e ses a year, one small bo, you can get the hell out of here!" After (dressing me doanding me, Mother dumped her half boan's boost remorseful memory involves helping Mother sell cabbages at market, and me overcharging an old villager