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上传人:非学无以广才 2022/3/26 文件大小:13 KB





“The Angel in the House”――a ethical standard of emphasis to female virginity has sunk deep into the heople with no exception of her family detest Tess, a girl without chastity and succeeded in driving Tess out of her hometown.
  The second step: Leaving home helplessly, Tess became a dairymaid in Talbothdays dairy where she met Angel and fell love with each other. After a series of mental struggles, Tess confessed to her husband, Angel her seduction by Alec on the wedding night. Believing Angel’s deep love to her, she had thought Angel could forgive her fault as she had forgiven him. However, Tess got nothing from Angel, but a slap on her heart by “The Angel in the House”. Knowing the fact, Angel said “You were one person; now you are anther.”③ (P200) “I thought ――any man would have thought――that if I didn’t look for knowledge, good family, and wealth in a wife, if I sacrificed all that, I would be sure of finding a country girl who at least pure…”③ (P214) It was so ridiculous that Angel, an intellectual only treated Tess’ virginity above all, without considering her pure spirit and deepest love to him. Yes, indeed Angel was not a superman as what he looked like. As common as others, Angel danced to the tune of “The Angel in the House” and held her values ―― “The purity should be woman’s chief beauty” as his standards of judging a woman. But it was unfair fo