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第 2 页 共 al Protection to students.
The form of participation is very simple. Students will have the opportunity to become a cross-strait communication envoy by uploading their works on the website of the event. The Expo will provide full financial support for communication so that students can use the platform to visit Taiwan and Xi an and communicate with international and national students. The activity does not restrict students background and encourages all students to participate in the activity through the website.

For students, the website is divided into three sections of fashion, fun and personalization: flower language blessing, flower and life, flower in trend, and optional participation. Participatory activities are quick and simple and can be completed in three minutes. This is a platform to display creativity and talent of contemporary college students. Attending the event will not only have the opportunity to get cross-strait exchanges, but also have the opportunity to include his works in the book Plants Around Me to be published next year by Science Squirrels and Brainstorm Host Mr. Yuan Yue. Excell