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Top 10 uncracked codes
By Nick Britten 8:30AM GMT 01 Feb 2011
Although the internet haeneral location. The still unsolved messages supposedly give exact directions, and a list of who the treasure belongs to.
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, 'Holy Grail' code found to be graffiti
01 Feb 2011
6. Voynich Manuscript is at least 400 years old and is a 232-page illuminated manuscript entirely written in a secret script. It is filled with copious drawings of unidentified plants, herbal recipes of some sort, astrological diagrams, and many small human figures in strange plumbing-like contraptions. In 2004 there were some compelling arguments which described a technique that would seemingly prove that the manuscript was a hoax, but to date, none of the described techniques have been able to replicate a single section of the Manuscript, so speculations continue.
7. The Dorabella Cipher was written by the composer Elgar in 1897. He sent a letter to a young friend, Miss Dora Penny, the 22 year-old daughter of the Rev. Alfred Penny, Rector of St Peter’s, Wolverhampton, and with it a cipher which to this day has remained unsolved.
8. Chaocipher. John F. Byrne invented Chaocipher in 1918 and tried unsuccessfully for almost 40 years to interest the . government in his cipher system. He offered a reward to anyone who could break his cipher but the reward was n