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上传人:读书之乐 2022/3/28 文件大小:12 KB






  Unit 1 Will people haver predictions .
  Step 2 Pre-task
  SB Page 2 ,1a .
  1. Look at the picture :How will the world be different in the future ,100 years from now ?We’re going to talk about sth in 100 years .
  2. Read each predictions to the class .Explain the new vocabulary .
  3. Read the instructions .Make sure Ss know what they should do .
  4. Do it by themselves .
  5. Talk about the answers with the class .
  Explain :一般将来时态
  构成: will / be going to +动词原形
  Step 3 While-task
  SB Page 2 ,1b .
  1. Practise reading the six predictions .
  2. Read the instructions to Ss .Circle the things you hear on the recording .
  3. Play the tape twice .
  4. Play the tape a third time .At the same time ,check the answers .
  SB Page 2 , 1c .
  1. Pay attention to the dialogues .
  2. Read the dialogues fluently .
  3. Pairwork .Work in pairs to make predictions according to the sample .
  4. Ask several pairs to share their conversations to the class .
  SB Page 3 , 2a & 2b .
  1. Read the predictions .
  2. Read the instructions and point out the sample answer .
  3. Play the tape twice .Ss circle the word they hear in each sentences: more , less , fewer .
  4. Check the answers .
  学生探究: less , fewer 旳辨别。
  Step 4 Post-task
  1. Point to the example


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