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文档介绍:求职信结尾怎么写求职信结尾怎么写第一篇: 英文求职信结尾怎么写沪江 bec : :///bec/ 英文求职信结尾怎么写? ◆i should appreciate the privilege of an interviews. i may be reached by letter at the address given above, or by telephone at 123465 1.◆i feel that a personal meeting would give us the opportunity to discuss your shout-and long-term objectives and my ability to direct anization towards essfully achieving those goals. ◆ thank you for your consideration. ◆i wele the opportunity to meet with you to further discuss my qualifications and your needs. thank you for your time and consideration. ◆i have enclosed a resume as well asa brief sample of my writing for your review. i look forward to meeting with you to discuss further how i could contribute to anization. ◆ thank you for your attention to this matter. i look forward to speaking with you. ◆ the enclosed resume describes my qualifications for the position advertised. i would wele the opportunity to personally discuss my qualifications with you at your convenience. ◆i would wele the opportunity for a personal interviews with you at your convenience. 沪江个人简历站: :///gerenjianli/ 第二篇: 写英语求职信结尾摘要: 在写求职信的同时好求职信网为你推荐一篇英文求职信为模板参考,英文求职内容一定要反映出你对应聘工作的态度和你自身的能力,结尾也不可马虎。下面是一些求职信结尾经常用到的十句话,看一看也许你会得到启发,写出自己风格的结尾来! would appreciate the privilege of an interview. i may be reached at the address given above, or by telephone at 323334 1 6. would be glad to have a personal intervi


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