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上传人:业精于勤 2022/3/28 文件大小:12 KB






  初中英语ealth district, so don't worry. He thought the most class didn't come back. It turns out that he was to play again, simply forgot to sweep the floor, to play for ling, he didn't go to. In the end, he was the teacher's criticism. I thought it never play at recess, unexpectedly, he has made "old", alas.
  Now told you his name, his name is urging jade, saw him later, don't forget to say hello to him
  I have a classmate, his name is called Huang Xiaoji, he is as normal people call it, but our Chinese teacher often do old demon or devil in one thousand, when it comes to the monster you might think of some feels thriller strange and unusual creatures but my classmate but think instead of horror and terror that he is very easy to get along with, let a person feel very good although some arbitrary but he get along for a long time also feel good of others. He has a weakness is a little bit ungrateful.
  One day, we went to play basketball ding tai elegance results in school in Huang Xiaoji he took a ball at the top of the foot high top and low results but she accidentally headed the ball into the tennis court the court over there the door locked. The only entrance to climb in, but it is bright day so we went to the dark some order into the