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文档介绍:右江民族医学院教案 2011 至 2012 学年上学期课程名称: 儿科学任课教师: 潘红飞职称: 教授授课专业及层次: 08 临本 7-10 班、全科、心理合班授课类型: 理论课授课日期: 2011 年 10月 18、 21日教研室正、副主任或课程负责人审阅意见: 签名: 年月日儿童营养与喂养、蛋白质- 热能营养不良、营养性维生素 D 缺乏一、授课学时: 3 学时( 120 分钟) 二、教学目的: (一) 了解儿童营养素与需要量、能量代谢特征 To understand the characters of nutrition requirement and energy metabolism in children. (二)掌握母乳喂养及辅食添加原则 To master the breast feeding and principle of food supplementary. (三)了解儿童营养状态的评估 To understand the evaluation of nutrition status in children. Understand the etiology and patho-physiology of protein-energy malnutrition. (四) 掌握蛋白质- 能量营养不良的临床表现 Master the clinical manifestation of protein-energy malnutrition. (五) 掌握蛋白质- 能量营养不良的预防和治疗 Master the prevention and treatment of protein-energy malnutrition. (六) 了解并发症蛋白质- 能量营养不良的 Understand plications of protein-energy malnutrition. (七) 了解佝偻病和维生素 D 缺乏性手足搐搦的病因和发病机制 To understand the etiology and the pathogenesis of rickets and tetany of Vitamin D deficiency. (八) 掌握佝偻病和维生素 D 缺乏性手足搐搦的临床表现、诊治和预防 To master their clinical manifestations ,diagnosis ,treatment and prevention . (九) 了解佝偻病和维生素 D 缺乏性手足搐搦的鉴别诊断 To understand the differential diagnosis 三、重点: (一)母乳喂养及辅食添加原则 the breast feeding and principle of food supplementary. (二) 蛋白质- 能量营养不良的临床表现、预防和治疗 the clinical manifestation , prevention and treatment of protein-energy malnutrition (三) 佝偻病的病因和发病机制 he etiology and the pathogenesis of rickets of Vitamin D deficiency. (四) 佝偻病和维生素 D 缺乏性手足搐搦的临床表现、诊治和预防 the clinical manifestations ,diagnosis ,treatment and prevention of rickets and tetany of Vitamin D deficiency. 四、难点: (一) 儿童营养素与需要量、能量代谢特征 the characters of nutrition requirement and energy metabolism in children. (二)母乳喂养及辅食添加原则 the breast feeding and principle of food supplementary. (三) 蛋白质- 能量营养不良病理生理、临床表现和并发症间的相互关联 T he relationship between patho-physiology , their clinical manifestation and plications of protein-energy malnutrition. (四)佝偻病和维生素 D 缺乏性手足搐搦的临床表现、诊治和预防 The clinical manifestations ,diagnosis ,treatment and prevention of rickets and tetany of Vitamin D de