文档介绍:2013 年上半年笔译复习资料 1、蜿蜒曲折的钱塘江, 穿过浙西的崇山峻岭到这里之后, 江面开阔, 景色壮丽。 After winding through high mountain ridges of the western part of Zhejiang, Qiantang River es wider with majestic scenery. 2、由于技术的进步, 公司现在能够既及时又更好地了解买家的需求。快速反馈的市场信息和小批量生产方式使得公司能够根据市场变化的情况来供应商品。(教材 169 页) 3、塑料杯按照一杯米约加 3/2 杯水的比例, 刻度左边以公升为单位。例如量米 升,水便加到 线上。刻度右边以量杯为单位,即如量米 4 杯,洗净放进煲内加水至 4 的刻度线。 4、我有时既是公共关系专家又是前台经理。我是客人到酒店最先见到的员工之一, 必须对他们友好相待, 提供帮助, 使其对酒店和员工产生好感。(教材 119 页) 5、 The Germans are also notable for the amount of formality they bring to business. As an outsider, it is often difficult to know whether colleagues have been working together for 30 years or have just met in the lift. (教材 132 页) 6、 The answer is that pany has done an effective propagation in North American Market, and distributed samples to customers in your country, ments on the products are positive. 7、城市里的贫穷区,就业方面的歧视,受教育机会的不均和民权问题等,对我们所有受歧视或不受歧视的人来说,都有着重大的影响。更广泛的说,生育、健康状况、死亡、人口增长和各种历史动态,无不与各种经济因素有关。(教材 154 页) 8、 2008 年底, 华泰在由金融时报社和中国社会科学院金融研究所共同举办, 银监会、证监会、保监会推举专家评选的“ 2008 中国最佳金融机构排行榜”中,被评为 3家“年度最佳中资财产保险公司”的第一名。教材 P61 9、 The range of currencies offered by each foreign exchange institution may differ due to various business policies. Most of the institutions can provide currency exchange services covering US Dollar, Euro, Japanese Yen, Hong Kong Dollar and Pound Sterling. The banking outlets of the Bank of China can also provide exchange services f