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我的假期计划英语作文 假期计划英语作文8篇.docx

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我的假期计划英语作文 假期计划英语作文8篇.docx

上传人:baibai 2022/3/30 文件大小:30 KB


我的假期计划英语作文 假期计划英语作文8篇.docx



第 1 页 共 t where the summer camp hold? Then I want to know how money I should pay for the summer camp? At last ,could you tell me some requirements?
Good luck to you。
Zhang Hua

My Holiday Plan
The summer holiday is ing soon。 What will I do in my summer holiday? I am going to go on a trip with my parents。
Im going to Dongguan Park in my summer holiday。 I will go with my parents。 We are going to eat good food and see the flowers in Dongguan Park。 We are going to climb mountains, too。 We can have a picnic there and we can read magazines there, too。 Of course, We will take many photos in the park。
I think I will have a happy holiday this summer。 What about you?
my summer holiday plans
My summer holiday began on july。8,i plan to go to travel in my summer holiday。i will travel to zhangjiajie。i will go there by train。i will travel with my mother and my father and other friends。i will travel for five days。i also plan to do my homework in my summer holiday。i think i will have a good time。

第 4