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高中英语unit2 asd课件人教版必修一 课件.ppt

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高中英语unit2 asd课件人教版必修一 课件.ppt



文档介绍:Unit 2 Growing Pains
Welcome to the unit
you love your parents?
you think you show regrily, “I told you to be home by 6 o’clock.” Mom also shouted, “where did you go?” I felt so sorry that I couldn’t help crying. They didn’t give me a chance to explain. I hate the way they treat me.
One day, I heard the famous superstars ‘’ have come to our city to give performances. I am the fan of them. I was eager to get their autographed pictures.
I was about to go to the concert when my mother shouted, “ Don’t you think this is a waste of time? Come back. You are not a child, you should spend more time on your studies.” Even though I wanted to attend the concert extremely, I had to stay at home. Today I still regretted about it.
I have a close friend named Wang Dong, who studies in another school. We keep in touch with each other by writing letters. This week I failed in the maths exam. I was sad. In order to comfort me, Wang Dong fixed a time to have a good talk with me on the Internet. Unfortunately, I just sit before the computer, my mother came with my maths paper in her hand. She shouted at me, “There will be no more computer games for you!”
Have you read an English play before?
Read the reading strategy and tell me how to read an English play.
Is the format(格式) of a play the same as that of a news article?
Are the words or speeches in a play very formal(正式的)?
No, a play has a unique(独特的) format and style(文体,风格). Most plays are in the form of a dialogue.
No, a large amount of casual(随便的) speech is used, sometimes with incomplete sentences.
Are there any instructions or tips included in a play?
Do you think you have to read a play silently(默默地) or out loud?
Yes. In order to better understand a play, we should pay attention to the instructions.
In order to really understand a play, we should read it out loud.
Skimming and scanning
Who are the main characte