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高中英语:unit2 project课件 人教版选修8 课件.ppt

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高中英语:unit2 project课件 人教版选修8 课件.ppt



文档介绍:Unit2 Project
From jazz to pop
Fast reading
How many kinds of music are mentioned in the passage?
Swing musics one of the founding fathers of jazz.
※ ____________ became an essential part of every jazz song.
the USA
World War I
American black slaves
Louis Armstrong
Solo performance
Swing music
The difference between swing music & traditional jazz:
Intended for dancing
Strong rhythms
Swinging feel
Rock & roll
Big Joe Turner was a ______American singer. He released his 1st R & R song called ___________________in _____.
He didn’t achieve fame mainly due to ___________.
Shake, rattle & roll
racial discrimination
Who discovered Elvis Presley?
A music promoter from Memphis, Tennessee.
Out of what purpose?
He could make a fortune if he could find a white man who could sing like a black man.
How do we understand “he turned out to be the answer to Philip's prayer”?
He is the best choice for Philip.
What was Elvis Presley good at?
Powerful live performance.
Sam Philip
King of Rock & Roll
Swing music is a kind of jazz for ________.
It is _____ than traditional jazz music.
Swing music was usually played in dance halls by “__________”, including a pianist, a violinist and a bassist, as well as others.
Complete the outline of this part
Big bands
_____ is a kind of mixture of jazz and swing.
R&B included both ________ and saxophone solos
R&B developed into what we know as _____________.
Complete the outline of this part
rock and roll
___________, a black American singer, is thought to be one of the pioneers of rock and roll.
Sam Philips, a music promoter from Memphis, Tennessee, found that a white man named _________ could sing like a black man.
Complete the outline of this part
Elvis Presley
Big Joe Turner
The Beatles
Beatles broke up in 1970, but they are still very popular.
2. Beatlemania is actually some kind of mental illness.
3. In USA, it was fashionable for fan


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