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文档介绍:英语论文开题报告范文英语论文开题报告范文下面是一篇英语论文的开题报告范文, 虽然不是特别好, 但也反应了开题报告的格式和写法,有一定的借鉴价值。 funtion and appliation of desriptive translation studies 1 introdution the intention of this stud is to explore possible advantages of desriptive translation studies as in its appliation in translation pratie and translation analsis. sine earl 20th entur, translation studies graduall broke XX from the marginal status ithin other related disiplines and established itself as an empirial siene. from then on, shools of thought have kept ing out and eah laims its legitima for existene. among these shools is desriptive translation studies ill be under investigation in light of dts. translation samples to be ed here ill be seleted at random. 5 onlusion based on the above elaboration of dts and the ase stud, possible onlusion ill be on the advantage of dts in speifi stud of translation. suggestions on further researh efforts ill be made also. it is therefore pointless to tr to make t more sientifi than is sensible in vie of its plex subjet-matter and available methods. translating isa mental, multi-fatorial ativit hih annot exhaustivel be investigated ithin a linguisti frameork ignoring the person of the translator. ”其次,选择问题是一个“剥笋”的过程。理论问题总是深深地隐藏在纷繁复杂的现实背后, 而发现理论问题, 则需要运用理论思维的能力。理论思维的训练是一个长期积累的过程。