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冀教版八年级(下) Unit 5 Lesson 37
Good morning, everyone,
Today, it’ sdy the new words“ fuel
“ oil” and “ coal ”.
(2) To learn and master the phrases
“ think of, on the way to⋯, have fun
2. Ability objects
(1) To develop the students ’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.
To train the students
’ ability
working in pairs.
To develop the students

abilities of communication by learning the useful structures.
Moral objects
Through different teaching
methods to make students be interested
in study.
Love to know more knowledge about transportation and dare to express their opinions in English.
Encourage the students to be more creative and try to make contributions to making new inventions in the future.
Three: Teaching Keys and Difficult Points
The teaching keys and difficult
points ’ basis is established according to Lesson 37 in the teaching material's position and function.
1. Key points:
(1).Be able to express words, phrases and sentences in English.
(2). Know about the improvement
of transportation and Danny ’ s invention.
2. Difficult points:
Be able to talk about their imaginary future transportation in oral English.
Part Two —— The Teaching Methods
Communicative teaching method;
Audio-visual teaching method;
Task-based teaching method;
Classified teaching method. As we all know: the main
instructional aims of learning English
in the Middle School is to cultivate
students’ abilities of listening, speaking,
reading, writing and their good sense of
the English language. So in this lesson
I ’ ll mainly use“ Communicative ”
teaching method,“-visualAudio”
teaching method and-“basedTask”
teaching method and“ Classified”
teaching method. That is to say, I
the stu


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