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文档介绍:of rural drinking water sources, protection of drinking water sources in rural areas by the end of the delimitation of t其内容包括〔 〕。
A. 教育观念现代化
B. 教育内容现代化
C. 教育条件设备现代化
of rural drinking water sources, protection of drinking water sources in rural areas by the end of the delimitation of the scope of protection, complete with warning signs, isolating network protection facilities
of rural drinking water sources, protection of drinking water sources in rural areas by the end of the delimitation of the scope of protection, complete with warning signs, isolating network protection facilities
of rural drinking water sources, protection of drinking water sources in rural areas by the end of the delimitation of the scope of protection, complete with warning signs, isolating network protection facilities
D. 教育管理现代化
E. 教师素质现代化
9.  社会生产力和科技发展水平对教育产生的制约和影响,具体表现在〔 〕等各方面。
A. 教育目的
B. 教育的发展规模和速度
C. 教学内容
D. 教学方法、教学设备
E. 教学组织形式
10.  “近朱者赤、近墨者黑”这句话反映了以下哪种因素对人的发展的影响〔 〕。
A. 环境
B. 遗传
C. 教育
11.  在人的发展的关键期,施以相应的教育,这是遵循了人的发展的〔 〕。
A. 稳定性
B. 顺序性
C. 阶段性
D. 不平衡性
E. 个别差异性
12.  在教育工作中我们要“一把钥匙开一把锁”,这是遵循了人的发展的〔 〕。
A. 稳定性
B. 顺序性
C. 阶段性
D. 不平衡性
E. 个别差异性
of rural drinking water sources, protection of drinking water sources in rural areas by the end of the delimitation of the scope of protection, complete with warning signs, isolating networ