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文档介绍:中国科学技术大学MBA学位论文 H公司经营战略研究
tries, as well as for their competitive positioning,
On the basis of competitive strategy has been determined, the companies still have to face complex, competitive incentive environment, in order to obtain sustainable development and should continue to develop overarching business strategy. It must first be able to comply and ensure the realization of corporate vision and mission, and in the full use of the opportunities that exist in the environment and creating new opportunities, the deal is good business relationship with the environment, the business scope of the provisions of, and competition development direction strategy, optimize the structure of rational, appropriate allocation of corporate resources to achieve the company's overall strategic objectives.
Pharmaceutical outsourcing contains two concepts, one is a CRO (Contract Research Organization contract research), and another is a CMO (Contract Manufacture Organization contract manufacturing). Costs of new drug development and drug production on a global scale is increasingly expensive cases, the CRO and CMO as the main pharmaceutical outsourcing is becoming one of the most popular of the connotation of words.
The main origin of the emergence and development of pharmaceutical outsourcing in the West, large pharmaceutical companies, but since 2000, the Western pharmaceutical industry, such a phenomenon: the growth of research into new drugs every year, but has developed a variety of new drugs in decreasing year by year, and with the environmental and other laws and regulations becoming more stringent, these advanced pharmaceutical companies in order to concentrate on building core competencies, and reduce costs. Have the manufacturing, clinical research and other non-core businesses to outsource. Pharmaceutical Outsourcing in European and American countries have maintained good momen


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