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【毕业设计翻译用外文文献---企业创新管理--协同创新】Innovation through boundary management—a case study in refor.pdf

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【毕业设计翻译用外文文献---企业创新管理--协同创新】Innovation through boundary management—a case study in refor.pdf


Technovation 27 (2007) 15–29
Innovation through boundary management—a case study
in reforms at Matsushita electric
Mitsuru KodamaÃ
Information and Management, College merce and Graduate School of Business Administration, Nihon University,
5-2-1 Kinuta Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 157-8570, Japan
In fiscal 2001, Matsushita electric, a traditional Japanese manufacturer of general electrical appliances, recorded the largest loss in its
history. Then, following drastic structural reforms, pany’s business results experienced a rapid V-shaped recovery. By
transforming its product development strategy from the old technology-led type to a customer-led type and implementing far-reaching
organizational reforms, Matsushita emerged as a global leader in the field of digital household appliances. The source of Matsushita’s
new product development capability was founded on the formation of a number of munities (SCs), which represent the
organizational boundaries within and outside Matsushita panies, and anizational integration of these SCs. In this
paper, the author uses a detailed case study to describe the mechanism of boundary management that enabled Matsushita electric to
simultaneously establish a new market position and petitively advantageous capability in the hi-tech field of digital
appliances by balancing vertically integrated SCs and horizontally integrated SCs.
r 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Innovation; Boundary; munity; Network; Cooperate strategy
1. munities and the positioning of research Japan. Matsushita has been achieving new heights in
profits and market share particularly with hi-tech products
With the advances of IT in recent years, there has been a in which semiconductor, software, opto-electronics, broad-
growing need to merge different technologies, to develop munications, and other technologies have been
products and services that span different industries, and to integra


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