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文档介绍:学号: 2009012708 2013 届本科生毕业论文( 设计) 题目: 空气温湿度测量仪设计学院(系): 机械与电子工程学院专业年级: 机械电子工程 091 学生姓名: 申士杰指导教师: 朱兆龙合作指导教师: 完成日期: 2013 年6月空气温湿度测量仪设计摘要植物生长都需要适宜的环境条件, 环境温湿度是最主要的环境因子之一?空气温湿度的测量对农业生产十分关键?通过比较多种温湿度测量方法, 设计一种基于单片机的空气温湿度测试仪?本设计采用 51 单片机 STC89C51 为核心处理器, 由空气温湿度传感器所测数据送入单片机, 进行运算处理, 最终在 LCD016 L 上显示测量结果?系统基于模块化设计确定各模块单元, 并选择相应的电子元器件,进而进行电路设计?系统硬件电路主要由单片机外围电路?传感器电路?电源电路?液晶显示电路等组成?在此基础上, 设计系统软件; 软件部分包括单片机外围模块?温湿度传感器模块?电源模块以及人机交互模块的程序设计?电路原理图在 proteu s 软件进行仿真, 仿真结果表明电路原理上可行?根据设计方案, 空气温湿度测量仪可以具有读取方便, 操作简单, 测量精确的优点?关键词: 空气温湿度; 液晶显示;STC89C51;SHT10 Design of Air temperature and humidity meter Abstract Temperature and humidity environment is the most important factor for that Plant growth requiring appropriate environmental conditions. The measurement of temperature and humidity is critical to agricultural production. Therefore, paring a variety of temperature and humidity measurement methods, design a microcontroller-based tester of temperature and humidity . This design uses 51 single core processor STC89C51 by air temperature and humidity sensors of the measured data into the microcontroller, operation processing, culminating in LCD016L display the measurement result . System is based ona design of modular to determine each module unit, and select the appropriate ponents, and circuit design further. System hardware circuit by the MCU peripheral circuit, sensor circuit, power circuit, liquid crystal display circuit and ponents .On this basis, design system software; software parts includes module of On this basis, design system software; software part includes control module, the module of temperature and humidity sensor, the module of power and the module of human-machine interaction programming ,the module of temperature and humidity sensor, the module of power and the module of human-machine interaction programming. Schematic circuit is simulation in the proteus, and simulation results show that schematic is viable. According to design, the measuring instrument of air temperat