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上传人:文库旗舰店 2022/4/1 文件大小:26 KB





文档介绍:Prejudice around us
In realistic life, we can find many phenomenons about prejudice .For instances, gender bias, Prejudice around us
In realistic life, we can find many phenomenons about prejudice .For instances, gender bias, age bias, and identity bias, and so on.
There exists prejudice in college as well. Teacher is biased to student, on the contrary, student to teacher, what’s more ,student to student .I have many thoughts about prejudice between student and student because I am a college student .
our students from different places come together. some students from city may have prejudice against rural students due to the growth environment. it may result in inferiority with rural students, what is worse ,it is hard to get along well with other students and they would get a bad college life.
To avoid this tragedy .first , students from city cannot think Rural students have little knowledge about new things and have a bad life habit bu


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