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济源市下冶一中八年级英语上册 unit 6 i'm more out going than my sister section a教学课件 人教新目标版.ppt

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济源市下冶一中八年级英语上册 unit 6 i'm more out going than my sister section a教学课件 人教新目标版.ppt

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济源市下冶一中八年级英语上册 unit 6 i'm more out going than my sister section a教学课件 人教新目标版.ppt



文档介绍:Unit 3 Unit 3 I’ m more outgoing than my sister. Section A(1a-1c) YaoMing is tall. Liu Xiang is short. YaoMing is taller than LiuXiang. Liu Xiang is shorter than YaoMing than 比(conj . 连词). 两者之间比较,用形容词比较级两者之间比较,用形容词比较级+than +than 2 The red box is big. The green box is small. The red box is bigger than is bigger than the green box. The green box is smaller that is smaller that the red box. 3 SunLi has long hair. FanBingbing has short hair. SunLi has longer hair than FanBingbing . FanBingbing has shorter hair than SunLi. 4 YangMi is thin . HanHong is fat. YangMi is thinner than HanHong. HanHong is fatter than YangMi. 45kg 76kg 5 Li Yong is more outgoing than Cheng long. Cheng Long is outgoing . Li Yong is more outgoing . 6 形容词 adj. He is tall . He is a tall man . ? tall adj. ? short adj. ? long adj. ? short adj. ? thin adj. ? fat adj. ? heavy adj. ?高的?矮的,短的?长的?短的?瘦的,薄的?肥胖的?重的,胖的 Review: 7 New words New words ? outgoing adj. ? quiet adj. ? calm adj. ? wild adj. ? serious adj. ? athletic adj. ? weak adj. ?外向的,开朗的?文静的?沉着的,镇定的?鲁莽的,任性的?严肃的,庄重的?强健的,擅长运动的?体质弱的 8 自学课本 P114 形容词的比较级和最高级构成,完成写出下列词的比较级和最高级。? tall long cold fast thick ? small strong hard new short ? wide fine late ? fat big thin red ? happy early easy heavy ? beautiful exciting interesting ? popular difficult useful important ? good far ill much bad many well 9 用形容词的适当形式填空用形容词的适当形式填空 1. Sam has ______ (long) hair than Tom. 2. Tom is ______ (calm) than Sam. 3. Tina is ______(tall) and _____( wild) than Tara. 4. Paul is ______ (short) and ______(heavy) than Pedro. 5. I ’ m _______(funny) than Tara. 6. Tara is ____________( serious) than Tina. longer wilder taller funnier shorter heavier calmer more serious 10


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