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上传人:麒麟才子 2017/1/13 文件大小:55 KB





文档介绍:1 摘要万物有形有色, 虽然“形”排在“色”的前面, 但较之于形, 色彩是我们感知世界最重要的手段之一, 它最容易打动人心。随着经济全球化的发展, 现今人们的生活融合了世界各地的设计, 而色彩作为设计的重要组成部分, 对人们生活的影响也越来越大。家居、服装、产品包装乃至各个行业都越来越讲究色彩和色调的搭配。 VI 设计,即视觉识别系统,可以帮助企业建立良好的企业形象,体现企业的精神文化。而色彩作为最直观的视觉语言, 不仅能帮助企业赢得竞争, 更是在集团各个公司之间起到了统一的效用。有色彩的标识比无色彩更容易吸引人注意, 而简洁的色彩搭配又不会让人觉得杂乱无章, 更能清楚地传递企业信息。由此可见,在 VI 设计中, 一种色彩表达一种愿景。本文分析了色彩在 VI 设计中的作用,阐述了色彩体现不同企业的差异性, 如红色适合婚庆企业, 而饮用水行业适合蓝色, 以及企业的同一性, 如绿化公益类的企业都适用绿色, 通过对选定品牌的色彩形象案例的分析及研究,对色彩在未来 VI 设计中的搭配趋势进行了预判,从而简析了立体系色彩在 VI 设计中的应用。通过对艺术学院 VI 设计中选色方法、色彩内涵的分析,使学院形象设计更合理,更有效,提升艺术学院的形象。关键词: VI 设计,色彩,企业形象,色立体 2 Study on color application in VI design ABSTRACT Everything has its shape and 'shape' is in the front of 'colour',colour which pared with shape is one of the most important means for us to know the is the most the development of the economic globalization,nowaday there are more and moredesign works around the world in people's colour,which is an important part of design,has a more and more great effect in people's life. People pay more and more attention to the collocations of colour and tone in home furnishing,colthing,product packaging and other various industries . VI design,which means visual identity system,can help enterprises establish a good corporate image to reflect the spirite of their culture. And the colour is the most direct visual only it can help enterprise win petitions,but also it plays a unified utility in panies. Colourful identifications are more attractive than those without simple colours let consumer feel more clearly about the information of enterprises. Therefore,colour is asa kind of vision in VI design . This paper analyzes the effects of colour in VI design,and describes that the colour reflect the differences in different 3 as red is suitable for the wedding businesses,but blue is suitable for the drinking water industry. And corporate identity,such as green is suitable public welfare paper