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文档介绍:西南交通大学本科毕业设计(论文)第Ⅲ页西南交通大学本科毕业设计轻型汽车前后独立悬架设计 THE DESIGN OF A LIGHT TRUCK'S INDEPENDENT SUSPENSIONS 西南交通大学本科毕业设计(论文)第Ⅴ页摘要悬架是汽车中的一个重要总成部分,它把车架与车轮弹性地联系起来, 影响到汽车的多种使用性能。悬架既要满足汽车的舒适性要求,又要满足其操纵稳定性的要求,而这两方面又是互相对立的。本文根据设计要求对轻型货车前后悬架进行设计。首先根据要求完成汽车的总体设计,并选择汽车的主要参数,包括尺寸参数、质量参数和主要性能参数。在完成汽车的总体设计的基础上,分析悬架的类型及结构特点,为汽车选择前后悬架的类型。本设计中前悬架采用麦弗逊独立悬架,后悬架采用斜置单臂式独立悬架。接着对悬架的性能参数进行选择,并且完成悬架的结构元件的设计计算,包括螺旋弹簧、减振器、导向机构、横向稳定杆等。螺旋弹簧的设计计算,包括刚度和强度等的校核,使设计的弹簧能满足设计的偏频要求。为前、后悬架匹配减振器,计算减振器的尺寸参数, 并且检验减振器是否满足强度要求。为了防止车身在转弯时发生过大的横向侧倾, 为前后悬架各匹配了一个横向稳定杆,提高悬架的侧倾刚度。关键词: 麦弗逊悬架单斜臂西南交通大学本科毕业设计(论文)第Ⅴ页 Abstract Suspension is an important assembly part in the used to connect the wheels to the body elasticity,affects a variety of performances of isnot only meet the vehicle requirements fort, but also meet the requirements of its handling two aspects are mutually exclusive. This article is designed to design the front and rear suspension of light , it designs the scheme of whole car based on the parameters which were already been given,and selects the main parameters of the car,Including the size parameters, quality parameters and main performance on pletion of automotive Design,it analysis the structural characteristics and type of suspensions, choose the types of suspensions for front and rear chooses the McPherson independent suspension for front suspension,and the Oblique single arm for rear on the suspension of the performance parameters of selection, and plete suspension of the structural elements of the design calculation,including the coil spring, shock absorber, oriented institutions, horizontal stabilizer bar and so spring's design and calculation, including the stiffness and strength of the check, make the design of the spring biasing to meet the design requirements. For the front and rear suspension matched shock absorber, damper size calculation parameters, and test whether the shock absorber t