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文档介绍:学位类别:管理学分类号: 学密号: 0949010043 级:青海民族大学硕士学位论文西宁市县乡人大换届选举工作问题研究学位申请人姓名: 纳进岩导师姓名及职称: 陶秉元教授专业名称: 公共管理答辩委员会(签名): 万方数据西宁市县乡人大换届选举工作问题研究摘要人大换届选举是公民参与国家政治最重要的方式。 2011 年,西宁市县乡两级人大代表进行换届选举,这是选举法修改后首次实行城乡按相同人口比例选举人大代表,在新的要求下,认真做好换届选举工作,依法产生新一届地方各级人大代表和国家机关组***员,行使国家权力,参与社会事务管理,对于坚持和完善人民代表大会制度,加强各级政权建设,巩固发展稳定的政治局面,加快发展具有十分重要的意义。但在每次县乡人大换届选举工作中,总会出现一些问题, 如流动选民登记难、选举程序到位难、代表结构不合理等,虽然在每次选举工作中提出,但缺乏具体研究,没有提出改进对策。西宁市四区三县从 5月5日至 9月10日进行了新一轮的县乡人大换届选举工作,在具体实施过程中,本人随西宁市县乡人大换届选举指导小组通过调研、视察和走访等方法在四区三县的 14个乡镇、街道办事处、行政村开展调研活动, 为论文写作收集了大量的一手资料。本人通过对此项工作具体组织和实施经历, 试图对此项工作进行研究,提出具体改进对策,以促进我市县乡人大换届选举工作。本文从县乡人大换届选举的一般理论概述入手,首先阐述了县乡人大换届选举工作中选区划分,选民登记等程序和概念,其次,借鉴西方和我国学者对这一工作研究的理论成果,对西宁市县乡人大换届选举中出现的问题进行列举和分析,进而提出一些针对性的改进措施和对策。关键词: 县乡人大;选举程序;两升一降;专职化 I 万方数据 Xining county and township government's new election research work ABSTRACT Congress general election is the most important citizen participation in national politics. The county and Township NPC representative for general election was held in Xining City in 2011,which is the first implemented urban and rural by the same population ratio election NPC representative after the electoral law modified . In new of requirements, seriously doing general election work, a new session local levels NPC representative and position personnel produced by law, exercising State power, participating social affairs management are significantly important to adhere to and perfect Congress, strengthen levels regime construction, consolidate development stability of political situation and speed up development . But in each county and township people's Congress in the general election, there will always be some problems, such as mobile voter registration, the electoral process in place, and the irrational representative structures. Though they were raised in every election, the specific studies were lack. So improvement strategies haven ’t been ome out. A new round of County and township people's Congress general election was held in four districts and three counties of