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信阳市第四高级中学高考英语 专题训练 单项选择(10).doc

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信阳市第四高级中学高考英语 专题训练 单项选择(10).doc

上传人:allap 2017/1/14 文件大小:128 KB


信阳市第四高级中学高考英语 专题训练 单项选择(10).doc



文档介绍:河南省信阳市第四高级中学 2014 届高考英语专题训练: 单项选择( 10) 1.— Will you go fishing with me? —___________. A. No, I'll be very busy B. Yes, I'll be glad C. Certainly, I'll be sorry D. Certainly, I'll be glad to 2. Is this the restaurant ___________? A. which you work B. in which you work C. for which you work D. where you work in 3. Bread and butter____________ for breakfast in many Chinese homes nowadays. A. serve B. servers C. is served D. are served 4. --Where is Xiao Wang? --I don't know. He__________ be in the library. A. can B. must C. might D. may 5. --Do you like the material? --Yes, it ___________ very soft. A. is feeling B. felt C. feels D. is felt 6. The harder you work,____________. A. the greater progress you'll make B. the greater you'll make progress C. you'll make the greater progress D. you'll make greater progress 7. The sunlight came in____________ the windows in the roof and lit up the whole room. A. through B. across C. by hour D. each hour 8. He has a part - time job and was paid___________. A. by the hour B. by an hour C. by hour D. each hour 9. The two sides have finally___________, though some small differences still exist. A. made a decision B. reached an agreement C. settled down D. broken up 10. You can't see the___________ now for they are having a meeting at the moment. A. editor-in-chiefs B. by an hour C. by hour D. each hour 此处 be dad 后面要接 to 。若去不了,可以说 But I'm af


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