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文档介绍:I 摘要随着网络环境的改善,连通企业和全球的网络系统飞速发展。企业管理模式也随之向网络化、信息化管理转变,而企业管理信息化首当其冲的就是财务网络化,这就要求财务软件发展必须适应新的网络需求。怎样合理而有效的利用便利的网络资源提高财务管理水平和工作效率--已成为企业亟需解决的问题。财务管理系统其开发的功能主要包括:通过计算机管理资产档案和帐户信息、凭证信息等。实现无纸化财务管理,分析资产的进出、平衡表,提高办事效率。从而减少人力、物力及财力上的消耗,完成合理的分配资源。关键词:财务管理, .net 服务 II Web Service of the Games Information System Design and Implementation ABSTRACT With the country's economic development, the Games the multiplicity which holds and participative personnel's increase. The data quantity increases, and in order to more manages and maintains the projects of the Games ’s information searching and develops information management system. According to demand analysis, for realize the Games project management, the athletes ’ scores searchs and See the total score of provinces .So, develops the Games information inquiry system to e the very necessary matter. The Games information inquiry system isa management information system, the development of the main functions include: The management of athletes files and the Games was holds 、 the athletes scores and so forth puter, The realization of The Games paperless, a nalysis the status of The Games and athletes cores, by protocol independent Web Services search of the athletes scores and other the athletes data information, improve work efficiency. Thereby reducing the manpower, material and financial resources consumption, pletes the reasonable assignment resources Key W ords: Information Management, Web Services, Data Query III 目录摘要.............................................................................................................................. I ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................................... II 1绪论............................................................................................................................ 1 课题的提出、现状及研究意义.............................................................. 1 课题的研究内容......................................


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