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京哈铁路 是中国一条从北京通往黑龙江哈尔滨的铁路,于1881年动工,1912年建成,全长1388千米。其中的唐山至胥各庄段原为开滦公司所建,是中国第一条标准轨距铁路。京哈铁路连接中国的华北与东北地区,是东三省的核心铁路干线 of upper digestive tract. Histamine H2 receptor antagonists and
8,蓝烟铁路 蓝烟铁路自山东省蓝村至烟台,,是烟台连接到胶济铁路的一条铁路线
9,胶新铁路 胶新铁路自山东省胶州至新沂,,是连接胶济铁路与陇海铁路的一条铁路线。
10,新长铁路 新长铁路自陇海铁路上的新沂至浙江长兴,全长561千米
11,萧甬铁路 萧甬铁路是中国浙江一条连接杭州和宁波的铁路。起点是杭州钱塘江南岸的萧山站,终点在宁波南站,,建成于1937年。
12,甬台温铁路 甬台温铁路自宁波至温州。全线长268千米,是一条以客运为主、客货兼顾的国家一级铁路。建设技术标准为一级双线电气化铁路,设计时速为200千米,预留时速可提升到250-300千米。投资约为170亿元。近期运量货运1090万吨,客车46对;远期运量1450万吨,客车60对。2005年10月动工,预计于2009年建成通车。 diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cirrhosis, jaundice, liver abscess, hepatocellular carcinoma, hepatic encephalopathy, stomach, colon, esophagus, acute pancreatitis, inflammation, colitis, functional dyspepsia, reflux esophagitis. (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: ? clinical knowledge: diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive system. Digest sex ulcer of onset mechanism, and clinical performance, and identification diagnosis, and complications and the processing; chronic gastritis of causes, and diagnosis method, and identification diagnosis and the treatment, Helicobacter pylori spiral Bacillus and gastritis and the ulcer disease of relationship, Helicobacter pylori spiral Bacillus infection of treatment; cirrhosis of onset mechanism, and compensatory period and lost compensatory period of performance; liver sex brain disease, and door pulse high pressure of produced mechanism; abdominal product liquid formed of reasons and the laboratory check of features, and identification method and processing; Identification of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis with anti-inflammatory