| Human Resources
and single - factor variance
analysis to conduct empirical research on the influence factor of hotel staff job satisfaction and their perceived difference. The
results indicates that such factors as salary and welfare, personal development, job itself, superior leader, interpersonal re-
lationship, management system, working environment have obvious influence, and different types of employee groups have
difference in the individual factor perception.
Key words staff satisfaction; perceived difference; exploratory factor analysis; single - factor variance analysis
一 引言 � � ,他认为员工满意是员工心理上和生理
、 Hoppock 1935
上对工作环境与工作本身的满意感觉 此后,国外学者
国外已有研究大多表明� 员工满意度会影响员工对工 对员工满意度进行广泛而深入的研究,涉及员工满意影