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高中英语 美语初级口语自学单词1200个第28课素材.doc

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高中英语 美语初级口语自学单词1200个第28课素材.doc

上传人:rovend 2017/1/16 文件大小:555 KB


高中英语 美语初级口语自学单词1200个第28课素材.doc



文档介绍:英语口语自学教材,一片通美语初级口语单词 1200 个,第 28 课。 heard [动词] 用耳朵听, 听见, 听说, 得知. (hea r 的过去式与过去分词) This is the same story that I heard before. 这跟我之前听过的是相同的故事. Up to now nothing has been heard of him. 到目前為止没听过任何有关於他的消息. he re [副词] 在这裡, 在此地. Please just stay here for a moment. 请就在这裡待一会儿.[名词] 此地, 此刻, 现在. It would be difficult from here. 接下来将会是困难重重. hil l[名词] 小山, 道路边的斜坡, 土墩.( 复数為 hills ) The church is on the top of the hill. 这教堂在这个山山顶. At the foot of the hill isa beautiful la ke. 山脚下是一个美丽的湖泊. [动词]把…堆成土堆. hurt [动词] 伤害, 使伤痛.( 其过去式与过去分词亦是 hurt) What he said really hurt me. 他说的话真地伤害了我. [名词] 创伤. He got hurt the day before yesterday. 前天他受了伤.[形容词] 受伤的. important [ 形容词]重要的, 重大的, 有权位权力的. Good h ealth is very important for everybody. 健康对每个人都非常重要. I almost forgot to say the most importa nt thing. 我几乎忘记说最重要的事了.