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高考英语 阅读理解专项攻略六 社会文化类课件.ppt

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高考英语 阅读理解专项攻略六 社会文化类课件.ppt

上传人:ranfand 2017/1/16 文件大小:704 KB


高考英语 阅读理解专项攻略六 社会文化类课件.ppt



文档介绍:语言是社会文化的重要载体。学****英语的目的之一就是“提高初步运用英语进行交际的能力,增强对外国文化,特别是英语国家文化的了解”。因此,社会文化类试题出现在高考试卷中是必然的。社会文化类文章的命题有以下趋势: 1 .以中西文化差异作为选材的重点。如礼仪、语言、生活****惯、世界观、价值观等为主题。题材涉及社会、文化、教育、体育等方面的内容。 。以议论文、记叙文居多。 ,既重主旨把握,又重特定细节,时有推断。 Question 1 : What does eBay Buyer Protection cover? eBay Buyer Protection covers items( 项目) purchased on eBay with eligible payment methods that are not received or not as described in the Business and Industrial kinds are covered by eBay Buyer , items must be purchased on the U . S. website to qualify for eBay Buyer Protection coverage , and are covered for 45 days from the date of made on and classified listings on are not covered. Question 2: What happened to PayPal Buyer Protection? PayPal( 贝宝) Buyer Protection on eBay existed only for eBay customers who paid for their purchases through a PayPal purchase protection for your eBay purchases will be managed by eBay , for all suitable payment methods. With eBay Buyer Protection , buyers will receive coverage for the purchase price of the item , plus( 外加) original Buyer Protection also introduces a new , modern process for customer service , so you can get help quickly either on the phone or online. Question 3: How does this program benefit (使……受益) selle


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