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高考英语一轮 unit2 the united kingdom课后强化作业必修5.doc

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高考英语一轮 unit2 the united kingdom课后强化作业必修5.doc

上传人:ranfand 2017/1/16 文件大小:97 KB


高考英语一轮 unit2 the united kingdom课后强化作业必修5.doc



文档介绍:Unit 2 The United Kingdom Ⅰ. 单词拼写 1. We are________( 感到激动)to hear the wonderful piece of news that the people living in the mainland can fly direct to Taiwan. 2. The second Children's Palace of Guangzhou sits in a______( 极好的)location by the side of Pearl River. hope that what I say will________( 澄清)the situation. keep my reference books near my desk for________( 方便). 5. The Tower of London isa great________( 吸引)to tourists. 6. We have________( 完成)all we set out to do. 7. What he wrote isn't________( 一致)with what he told us. 8. He________( 整理)the books on the shelf. 9. Travelling is my chief________( 乐事). 10. He seized the________( 机会)to invite her home for dinner. 答案: 5. attraction 9. delight Ⅱ. 完成句子 1. Our class________ ________( 由……组成)more than 48 students________ ________ ________( 被分成)6 groups.(consist, divide) 2. Nowadays many farmers want to______ ________ ________ ________________( 脱离农村生活)and make a living in cities.(break) 3. Please buy these books for me______ ________ ________( 在你方便的时候). (convenience) 4. I________ ________ ________( 很高兴)to be invited to her birthday party.(delight) 5. Little Tom________ ________ ________( 是那么得激动)at going to the movie.(thrill) 答案: of; is divided into away from rural life your convenience very delighted


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