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江苏省邗江区美琪学校七级英语下册 7B Unit 2 Neighbours period 6 Study skills教案.doc

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江苏省邗江区美琪学校七级英语下册 7B Unit 2 Neighbours period 6 Study skills教案.doc

上传人:endfrs 2017/1/16 文件大小:114 KB


江苏省邗江区美琪学校七级英语下册 7B Unit 2 Neighbours period 6 Study skills教案.doc



文档介绍:江苏省扬州市邗江区美琪学校七年级英语下册 7B Unit 2 Neighbours period 6 Study skills 教案牛津版课题主备人课时1 授课日期教学目标知识目标能了解朗读时常见的连读方式能力目标能使用正确的连读方式朗读句子情感目标如何在朗读中正确时候用连读重点难点如何在朗读中正确时候用连读教学具T ape recorder 预****要求 Preview the new words. 教学过程教师活动学生活动授课人复备 S tep I 呈现 1 、播放一段英美人士说话的片段,让学生听听他们在说什么。 2、学生反复辨听后, 给学生提供文本, 让他们朗读。启发学生发现两种朗读方式的不同, 从而引导出英美人士说话时的连读现象。教师说: We often link sounds together when we speak English .C an you find out the wayside of linking sounds together? 3、教师呈现图片, 引入本课内容。教师说:L ook at this picture. W hat can you see? 学生回答: I can see an apple. G roup work 教师活动学生活动授课人复备一家三口的图片: L ook at the little boy. He’s tom. W ho are these two people? T hey are tom ’s father and mother. 几只狗和一条鱼的图片: L ook at the dogs. Do they like eating fish? Of course not. They don ’t like eating fish. So they go away. 4 、教师指导学生正确朗读四组短语。启发学生发现连读的规律。阅读示例。 We usually link a consonant sound with a vowel sound. When the first word with in–r or– re and the next word begins with a vowel sound, we join them together with a /r/ sound between them. W hen there are two vowel sounds, we join them as if there were a /j/ or /w/ sound between them. W hen two conson ant sounds of two words me et, we sometimes do not need to pronou